Category: Control Panel Tutorials

How To Install cPanel On Your Linux Dedicated Server

How To Install cPanel On Your Linux dedicated Servers Read More...

System administrators prefer different control panels depending on their requirements but cPanel wins hands down. It is the most popular web hosting control panel by some margin. Apart from usability and the number of features, it is also quite easy to install and setup for a beginner. With some technical knowhow most first timers should […]

The top free control panels for dedicated servers

free control panels

In previous blog posts, we have reviewed cPanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin, the four major commercial control panels. Commercial control panels are recommended mainly for being stable and the updates and support you get from their developers. However, with growing communities, some free and open source control panels are able to meet the requirements of most […]

DirectAdmin Review: Advantages and Disadvantages


After operating system, control panel is the second most important software choice you will make for the success of your web presence. While cPanel is the clear leader in market share, DirectAdmin is often regarded as the next best. Like other control panels it comes with its unique set of installation requirements and sports a […]

Plesk Review: Advantages and Disadvantages

Plesk advantages and disadvantages

Plesk by Parallels Inc. is a popular web hosting control panel known as Parallels Plesk Panel. For those who seek an alternative to cPanel, Plesk offers a reliable and secure choice. Plesk uses frames to run a web based control panel GUI. When you compare the list of features, Plesk is similar to cPanel. It offers […]

cPanel – Advantages and Disadvantages

cPanel – Advantages and Disadvantages

A control panel makes it easy for seasoned as well as new admins to perform day to day administrative tasks. Although admins prefer to manage their servers through the terminal they tend to use a control panel for ease of use. And in terms of ease of use, there is no competition for cPanel in […]